
Data Science Project
Crime Rates: The Bronx
Theme: Social Justice
This is my Data Science project, depicting crime in the Bronx, using Python data visualization techniques.
This project is going to be based around crimes in the Bronx. Crime rates, and finding the safest and most dangerous neighborhoods, using data from NYC open data. It will be using many data visualization methods, such as bar graphs, time series graphs, and chloropeth maps.
Crime Rates: The Bronx
NYC Arrest Historic Data:https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Arrests-Data-Historic-/8h9b-rp9u
NYC Hate Crime Data: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Hate-Crimes/bqiq-cu78
Reference Site: https://thecleverprogrammer.com/2020/05/26/san-francisco-crime-analysis-with-data-science/