Crime Rates: The Bronx
Abstract: In This Project, I utilized Data Science to depict information on criminal offenses in the Bronx, per Precinct. Along with popular types of Crimes, Crimes by Month/day as well. It was revealed that Precinct 40 is the most dangerous, and Precinct 50 is the safest.
Relevance to NYC: It is important to solve and depict the crime rates in the Bronx, to be able to inform people that may be moving in, or trying to find a school for their child to be around, keeping them away from highly active criminal locations.
Hate Crime Law Code Description

Top 10 Arrest Offenses

Offenses by Age

Hate Crime Motives

Crime Per Gender

Offenses per month/Precinct Safety

Precinct Safety (offense count per precinct)

Hate Crime Dataset Summary:
Hate Crime Felony offenses are the most common
Hate Crimes are based off bias motives such as; homophobia, muslim religion, age, skin color, etc.
Religion is the top motive for these offenses, Race and Sexual orientation also make up a good chunk
Arrest Record Dataset Summary:
Males are the gender that committs the most crimes
People of age 25-44 make up ,more than 50% of the committed crimes, with age 65 being the least.
January and February are the months with the most crime (The months following Christmas time). July is the month with the least committed crimes (Summer time, sun stays up longer compared to the months like December/January where the it gets darker quicker; easier to commit crimes)
Precinct Safety
Precinct 40 is the most dangerous precint in the Bronx, 4,377 counts of criminal activity recorded.
Precinct 50 is the safest with 1,125 counts of crime committed.
We are more likely to be victims to a Male of age 24-44, with religion/race playing an important part of his motive for comitting crime
During the colder months (Quicker sun-sets) it is safer to stay inside, Crime counts are at their highest
Assault with intent to injure (Assault 3), Robbery, Felony Assault, Misdemenaor Hate Crimes (Maximum 1 year in prison) and drug crimes are the most common for arrests from 2020-2021, and most common for Hate Crime classification